Why You Need To Try Online Dating In A Different Culture

Want a Different Online Dating Experience?
What I initially discovered, by accident, with my second ex-wife is a change in culture for a potential partner in life brings with it a huge amount of differences.
Now that I’m back on the Internet dating circle myself in Thailand, those differences make for a very exciting life.

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So let me ask you a few questions:
- Do you seem to be going from one failed girlfriend or boyfriend to the next?
- Can’t seem to make sense of the opposite sex around you?
- Are you tired of being treated like a loser?
If you answered ‘Yes’ to just one of those questions, I challenge you to at least try dating online in a different culture.
It’s easier than you might think too!

Take The First Steps And Try It
So some next steps and why.
Sign Up For A Dating Website
When I mention a dating website, I mean one that specialises in a culture that is different to yours.
Since I’ve fallen deeply in love with Thailand and have an understanding of the Thai culture, a Thai online dating website such as Thai Romances will be a great start for you.
We’ve created it to be easy to use and connect you with real Thai babes: who only want to meet western men looking for Thai ladies.
There's someone for everyone on here.
I’ve written a number of times that the Thai culture is steeped in respect.
A level of respect that is no longer found in the western world.
This was true when I lived in Australia – women now lack respect for men.
A lack of respect in any dating environment will head for disaster.
Online dating is no different.
Single western guys looking to date Thai girls will quickly discover a level of respect they are probably not used to.
These Thai women will respect you and really will want to please you: that is both stimulating and exhilarating.
See And Understand The Differences
I prefer a relationship to be enjoyable and with the ease of conversation – I am sure you do too.
Internet website dating and real-life dating (within a different culture) will certainly bring about a number of differences that you can either think of as a roadblock or, more importantly, think of them as a challenge.
The definition of a challenge is an area in life to be conquered and enjoy.
Before I moved to Thailand, I did a very simple Pros and Cons list and why it was a good/bad move, for me personally.
Since moving here, the list has grown one-sided.
I’ve done (and still do) website dating as well as real-life dating.
I can now tell you my Pros and Cons list has no negatives whatsoever – making the move to this beautiful country called Thailand and deciding Thai women are a better choice was the best decision I’ve ever made in my life.
Take A Retrospective View On Your Past
If you keep doing the same thing over and over then expect to always get the same results.
I have the quotation firmly embedded in the way I act and think both personally and in business.
After my second divorce, I took a good long hard look at what I wanted when it came to women and a life partner.
Many women tell me they would sell their soul for a guy like me that gives his all in making his woman happy.
The unfortunate part of that is the majority of western women are never actually satisfied with a good guy.
So I took that quote and applied it to what I was needing to do, to find love online.

What Happened Next Was Amazing
Then Thailand crossed my path.
I took to dating sites like a duck to water.
I was now a western guy seeking a thai woman.
I needed to make the best efforts with dating sites and I knew I wanted a woman different to all my previous ones. I wanted real connections this time in my life.
My own retrospective look highlighted that western women are just not worth the effort.
Within the first four weeks of being in Thailand, I’ve had coffee as well as dates with more than a dozen simply gorgeous young Thai women.
Your age is meaningless here.
Do You Have The Guts To At Least Try?
A 55 year old guy like myself can be treated like a Prince and live like a King.
You need to take your future seriously.
Your happiness needs to be satisfied.
And you need to give serious thought as to whether you’re going to continue with the same boring routine that many men feel trapped in OR if you’re going to do and plan and find love online.
I again challenge you to invest serious time and energy into looking at a thai online dating website.
Invest in your future and get yourself a lovely Thai girlfriend and maybe more.

Why is online dating better?
- Change from going from one failed relationship to another
- Better chances of making sense of females because of more choice
- You've got the upper hand and can't block anyone that treats you like a loser
- It's fast and easy to join and get going
What do I need to do for online dating?
- Sign up first and it only takes 1 minute to do
- Determine the characteristics of who you want
- Be honest and complete your dating profile
- Start sending interest and messages to who you like
- Wait for replies
- Rinse and repeat

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